Friday, 22 June 2012

Professional organisations and real-life networks

I'm really getting behind now - blame school sports day, fun night and a sudden, compulsive need for clothes shopping.

This is going to be a short post, partly because of lack of time, but mostly because I'm not a member of any professional organisations for a number of reasons:
  • cost – that's probably the main reason,
  • limited benefits – for geographic reasons more than anything else. It takes about 2.5 hours to get from where I am to places where events, training and meetings usually happen. There were 7 events or groups listed on this blog and the nearest is Cardiff which is, yes 2.5hours away.
  • Lack of time – I work part-time because I have other commitments. It makes it very difficult then to do additional activies
  • Priorities - also, I'm not looking to advance in my career right now, so there isn't that additional motivation to make myself more visible, and collect things to put on a CV.

We did attempt to get an information group of librarians involved in managing Customer Services in HE libraries together, but it didn't happen for a number of reasons but that would be something I would find useful.

I've just looked over the above and realised that I sound like a miserable loner, burying myself in my little corner of the world – which I'm not, really! I'd love to be able to discuss some of the issues at work with people in other institutions, but opportunities to do that face-to-face are rare.

It also highlight just how important online networks are to those of us who are geographically isolated, or not able to participate in real-life networks for whatever reason.


  1. Hi Nia
    V.true for me also. Maybe we need an non-affiliated Aber group?! I'm yet to write my Thing 7, am also behind like you!

  2. You are NOT a miserable loner - you've got geographical hindrances! Here I sit in urban Glasgow, and there are probably DOZENS more like me. If you're miles from anywhere, then clearly things are going to be different and you don't need to apologise for yourself. Did you go to Aber, too? I did a postgrad librarianship diploma there a very long time ago. Over a quarter of a century - yikes!

  3. Yes, I went to Aber 1993-94, and am now in the University Library. It hasn't changed much! Thanks for the support.
