Thursday, 10 May 2012

A grand tour of blogs

I've been reading more blogs this week than I've ever done before. I'm so impressed with the titles that some people have given their blog. I’ve been wracking my brain for something witty and descriptive but to no avail. However since Phil Bradley calls his blog “Phil Bradley’s weblog”, and that doesn’t do too badly for followers, then “Nia’s blog” will have to do for now. If inspiration strikes, I’ll change it.
Just had a quick skim through and so far lots of people have got about as far as I have, which is putting up their first post. I suspect that a lot of us share the same fear about putting our thoughts up in public. It’s reassuring to read a post by A Delve in the Shelves about the fears about blogging publicly and how it gets easier after time. I’ve even left a comment on the blog which is a first for me, as I’m more of a lurker usually.
I follow Christine Sexton’s blog, From a Distance, regularly as I worked in a converged service and she always has interesting and timely entries that help me keep up with issues and developments on the IT side of things.
I also dip into Meredith Farkas’ blog when I have time as she’s such an interesting writer, and writes about a range of things.
I’ve been looking for a blog written by senior managers in academic libraries in order to find out what activities they’re involved in, and what issues are concerning them both short and long term. I can’t find anything that meets my needs, so if anyone can recommend something, please let me know ….


  1. Hi Nia, and welcome to cpd23--I'm glad you've been having a good time exploring some blogs. I wouldn't worry too much about the name of your blog--as long as you steer clear of starting off with the words 'library' or 'librarian' (as I did, whoops), I think you're on safe ground!

    The only blog I can think of which matches the request in your final paragraph is this one: Sarah's the librarian at Selwyn College, Cambridge, but also really involved in lots of university-wide library initiatives (like ebooks, and suchlike) and her blog posts are always really accessible and thought-provoking. (Not on commission, honest!)

    Anyway, lovely to find your blog and good luck with the rest of the programme :)

    1. Hi Helena
      Have just read Sarah's latest few entries, and I've put her on favourites bar alreaday - priviledge only extended to a select few. I'm now fighting the urge to explore the blogs that she's following. Thanks for the tip.

  2. Hi Nia, Alyson here from down the hill! We can 'feel the fear and do it anyway' together!
